Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  19 Tau)  ·  25 Tau)  ·  Barnard's Merope Nebula  ·  IC 349  ·  Maia Nebula  ·  Merope Nebula  ·  NGC 1432  ·  NGC 1435  ·  Sterope I (21 Tau)  ·  The star 18 Tau  ·  The star Alcyone (η Tau  ·  The star Asterope  ·  The star Atlas (27 Tau)  ·  The star Celaeno (16 Tau)  ·  The star Electra (17 Tau)  ·  The star Merope (23 Tau)  ·  The star Pleione (28 Tau)  ·  The star Sterope II (22 Tau)  ·  The star Taygeta (q Tau
M45 - The Pleiades, Josh Wilkinson
M45 - The Pleiades
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M45 - The Pleiades

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)
M45 - The Pleiades, Josh Wilkinson
M45 - The Pleiades
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M45 - The Pleiades

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)



Acquisition details



Here's my take on Messier 45, the Pleiades star cluster. I love how this image highlights the wispy blue nebulosity surrounding these hot, young stars, but I'm hoping to capture even more of the surrounding dust next time. This is the longest integration time I have on a single object to date.

Any tips for bringing out more of the dust around the Pleiades? Let me know!


Sky plot

Sky plot


M45 - The Pleiades, Josh Wilkinson